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Special Gifts From Partners We express our gratitude to Station Camp for their generous donation of Bibles to both children and teachers. This thoughtful contribution has not only deepened their understanding of God but also fostered a spirit of love and unity through shared preaching. Additionally, a heartfelt thanks to Dear Future for their donation towards storybooks, enriching the children’s learning experiences by not only exposing them to stories but also supporting their development in
Independence Community Outreach On Uganda Independence Day, our children actively contributed to community cleanliness, reaching out to uplift and beautify their surroundings. This initiative not only involved cleaning but also provided valuable opportunities for our students to learn and gain insights about the world beyond their immediate environment.”
Meals Donated by station Camp With the generous support of Station Camp, both our students and teachers have been fortunate to receive nourishing meals, ensuring each day at school is not only successful but also joyous. We extend heartfelt gratitude to Station Camp for their commitment to providing food, enabling our children to concentrate and find happiness in the classroom environment
Trey’s Events Triumphantly, we hosted a spectacular tour, fashion show, and speech day where our talented students took the stage to showcase their diverse abilities. Post-speech day, our children actively engage in various co-curricular activities. As a farewell gesture to Sara Daves, we were honored to have our students participate in a special fashion show. Additionally, our enlightening tour included visits to Super Loaf, the airport, and Freedom City, offering our students valuable experiential learning
Unitive Justice Graduation In 2023, our dedicated educators embraced a transformative journey, transitioning from a punitive system to embracing Unitive Justice through specialized classes. With great success, our teachers graduated from this program, equipped to facilitate Unitive Justice circles to resolve conflicts among our students, fostering a positive and nurturing learning environment.”
December 3rd marked the triumphant conclusion of our school year as we celebrated with a spectacular Music, Dance, and Drama day, themed around the introduction of Unitive Justice to Uganda. The event featured an unforgettable day with a live band, a heartwarming graduation ceremony where nursery children transitioned to primary, and a successful closure where all our students advanced to their next classes. Gratefully, we extend our thanks to God for enabling us to conclude
Trey Becomes A Unitive Justice School Embarking on a transformative journey, Trey Junior School achieved a milestone on October 2nd, 2023, by becoming Uganda’s first certified Unitive Justice school. Guided by Sara Daves and supported by the Alliance of Unitive Justice, our institution underwent a profound shift, eliminating punitive elements. Today, our students thrive in an environment guided by values rather than rules, where Unitive Justice circles foster a harmonious and enriching learning experience
We have partnered with empathy on giving out sanitary towels to girls in Wakiso and mayuge
We have managed to get mattress and blankets donated through dear future. Our plan is to give a better home to the orphans in Wakiso district and also to give education to the children that can’t afford it
Trevor was a happy child until his mother passed away and left him with his father later the father married another woman who didn’t want him to stay with them. She boarded from the village to town to a restsursnt in wakiso were he was abandoned. After the mom ordering food she got out and dissapered. Trevor was sent out of the restsurant and lster became a street kid. The police identified him and took
We have had a pen pal program with dear future we’re children at the stone quarry, orphanage, shalom and Trey Junior school receive letters from their pen pals