Together, we can do more

Namugga Mable

Namugga Mbale

Together, we can do more

Namugga Mable

Join and Support Us
To Impact Children

We Teach and
Empower Communities

We Teach and
Empower Communities

We Teach and
Empower Communities

Equipping children to create men and women of a beautiful future


Namugga Mable Foundation

Namugga Mable Foundation supports underserved children in the areas of Nansana a suburb of Kampala City in Uganda and single mothers through our orphanage and school programs. The organization was started in 2019 and became registered in 2022 and was founded by Namugga Mable to bring hope to these people in the community.

Our Programs

What We Do

trey school

Trey Junior School

The first years of a child’s life form the foundation upon which they build their future. We are working to provide access to quality early education.



Children have a right to be safe and supported throughout their young life. We take care of children who have lost their parents and are without a home.

single mothers

Single Mothers & Community Outreach

This a new social enterprise endeavor that seeks to increase job opportunities for women to awaken creativity, talent and resourcefulness.
