Day: January 13, 2024

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  • January 13, 2024

Special Gifts From Partners

Special Gifts From Partners We express our gratitude to Station Camp for their generous donation of Bibles to both children and

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Independence Community Outreach

Independence Community Outreach On Uganda Independence Day, our children actively contributed to community cleanliness, reaching out to uplift and beautify their

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Meals Donated by station Camp

Meals Donated by station Camp With the generous support of Station Camp, both our students and teachers have been fortunate to

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Trey’s Events

Trey’s Events Triumphantly, we hosted a spectacular tour, fashion show, and speech day where our talented students took the stage to

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Unitive Justice Graduation

Unitive Justice Graduation In 2023, our dedicated educators embraced a transformative journey, transitioning from a punitive system to embracing Unitive Justice

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Music, Dance & Drama Day

December 3rd marked the triumphant conclusion of our school year as we celebrated with a spectacular Music, Dance, and Drama day,

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Trey Becomes A Unitive Justice School

Trey Becomes A Unitive Justice School Embarking on a transformative journey, Trey Junior School achieved a milestone on October 2nd, 2023,

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